May 17, 2024

Healthier Mummy

Empowering Moms for Healthier Lives

Categories of vertigo problem with their treatment

3 min read

Different types of diseases related to each body part are found. For instance, if we talk about cancer, then different types of cancer-related diseases can arise in the human body, such as blood cancer, brain cancer, and others. Similarly, vertigo is also found in different ways in the human body, and each category has a different treatment. Likewise, each category has its separate symptoms that start to show in the human body during illness. If you are struggling with a critical problem like vertigo, then it is essential to know about their categories. By this, you will be able to quickly identify which type of vertigo you are a victim of.

Through this, you will be able to choose your doctor quickly and get treated successfully. Whenever you feel that you see symptoms of this disease like dizziness, heaviness in the eyes, and others, then consult audiologist and vertigo specialist at the same time because, with the help of these, you will be able to get your treatment easily. They have all kinds of equipment available based on advanced technology, where you can complete all your tests and get instant reports related to vertigo. One thing must be kept in mind that if you are struggling with this problem, never do any activity such as driving or others that can harm you.

Kinds of vertigo-

Vertigo is divided into three parts based on symptoms and treatment. Each disease has a different specialist, and whenever a person creates a problem, various symptoms appear according to the category. Along with this, the reasons for each category of the disease are also different. Through this article, we will tell you about some types and so that you will know which treatment will be beneficial for you. If you are interested to know, then read each point with focus.

  • Central vertigo-

This is a category that is commonly found in most people because the reason for this is something that happens to every person. In research, it has been found that central vertigo is found mostly in people who have a deep injury to their head. Many times a very serious injury occurs on the head of a human being, which creates a problem in the nervous system of the brain. Along with this, there are many other reasons due to which it arises, such as Brain tumors, Migraines, Multiple sclerosis, illness, or infection. During this problem, the patient’s ability to hear is often lost so that he becomes deaf. If you have this problem, first reduce the space level in your mind and, at the same time, take advice from a good audiologist and vertigo so that you will be able to quickly get treatment.

  • Peripheral Vertigo-

Of those people who are struggling with a problem like vertigo, up to 80 percent of the patients fall under this category as it is the most common category. It arises in any patient’s body due to the following reasons like Meniere’s disease, Vestibular neuronitis, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), and others. You can also treat the problem of this category through therapy. htt