May 17, 2024

Healthier Mummy

Empowering Moms for Healthier Lives

Some Common Injuries in Auto Accidents and Their Treatment

3 min read

Injuries from auto accidents can range from minor to significant; depending on the severity of the accident, auto injuries in Colonia must be treated on time with proper care by an appropriate doctor. Severe auto injuries can result in physical disability; however, some can even resolve in a few days. 

Types of common auto accident injuries with their treatments:

Tissue injuries

A soft tissue injury is caused when damage occurs in the connective tissues of the body. Injuries in the neck and upper back regions are a form of soft tissue injury. In tissue injuries, the ligaments are stretched due to the sudden movement that results in tissue damage. If the force of the collision is severe, you can also suffer from spine injuries.


    • The R.I.C.E method can cure your tissue injuries. It means rest, ice, compression, and elevation.  
    • More severe damage can be treated by physical therapy and injections provided by a trusted doctor.

Cuts and scrapes

It is prevalent for small loose objects to be thrown inside the car. This includes your bags, coffee mugs, or cellphones. If these items directly hit your body, they can cause injuries to your skin. These cuts are primarily minor; however, you might require stitching if you experience continuous bleeding from the injured part. 


  • Wash the injured part gently with soap and water.
  • Apply an antibacterial ointment or petroleum jelly.
  • Cover it with a sterile bandage.
  • If the wound bleeds continuously even after this, consult a doctor as you may need stitches. 

Injuries in the head

Head injuries come in various forms, from minor to major. Sudden or emergency brakes immediately stop the car, resulting in a strong jerk. Someone involved in a car accident can hit their head against the steering wheel or other areas of their car due to the sudden jerk. 


  • If you suffer from a head injury, the initial treatment can be done by applying ice; however, you must get it checked by your doctor.
  • You can use topical antibiotic ointments if there are any minor wounds on your head.
  • Take enough rest as this will comfort the injury.
  • If the extent of your injury is more, your doctor will take an X-ray and MRI of your skull, and you can also need surgery if there is any brain damage caused.

Injury in the ribs

You can suffer from an injury in the ribs due to the position of the steering wheels. When you unexpectedly stop your car, your chest will likely hit the steering wheel resulting in damage. This can cause severe bruising in the chest.


  • Take adequate rest.
  • Your doctor will provide you with painkillers that will help you with pain and discomfort.
  • Avoid any sports activities till you have recovered fully.
  • If the injury is severe, your doctor will provide you with additional medications depending on your need.

It is essential that you do not ignore any signs of injury and treat them on time to avoid any further complications.

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