May 17, 2024

Healthier Mummy

Empowering Moms for Healthier Lives

Areas On Your Face You Can Treat With BOTOX

2 min read

In the modern world for people dealing with aging signs and aiming to obtain positive results, BOTOX can prove to be a miracle in liquid form. Many researchers found that Botox treatment Toronto can help eliminate fine lines and wrinkles that form on the face. While many people would have heard that Botox can help with aging signs but not all know the areas it can treat. So, before you connect with a botox clinic Toronto, read on to know what areas you can treat with Botox.

What’s BOTOX?

Botox is one of the most popularly used injectable treatments that are useful for treating aging signs like wrinkles and fine lines that appear on the face. The injectable solution is a drug made from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Many doctors also use of to treat health problems such as underarm sweating, Cervical dystonia, uncontrollable blinking, misaligned eyes, chronic migraine, or overactive bladder. The best part about Melbourne Botox is that it is a minimally invasive process that helps smooth out wrinkles in certain areas of the face and the results are visible instantly.

The areas on the face that can be treated with BOTOX:

If you have not tried this treatment before, you must be excited to know that Botox is beneficial in certain areas of the face and not the whole facial area. The best places where Botox works well include:

Forehead – 

This is where women and men start to notice unwanted horizontal lines that look darker when we raise the eyebrows. Apart from smoothening lines on the forehead, Botox can also help prevent future lines and wrinkles from appearing.

Brow area – 

This is another very common area where Botox treatment is performed by specialists. After all, this is the area where aging signs like wrinkles appear for the first time. These pesky lines near the eyebrows can make individuals look angry or tired all the time. With a Botox treatment Toronto, it is possible to smooth out that area for a more refreshed look.

Eye area – 

If you have heard about Crow’s Feet or fine lines, you would be happy to know that these lines can be easily avoided with the help of a botox treatment performed near the eye area. These lines around your eye area are more noticeable when we laugh or smile. So, when you have these lines around the eye area, opting for a Botox treatment can be a great choice for better results and to look younger.

Marionette lines – 

These are the lines that start to appear in the corner of your mouth areas and go downward. If you have Marionette lines, you might start to look like a monkey, which is a really bad thing for sure. The good news here is that if these lines are not too deep then BOTOX can reduce the appearance of these wrinkles without any hassle or downtime. htt